
Say bye bye to spider veins and cellulite

Legs: smooth and beautiful

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“If one wants to keep beautiful legs, one has to have them massaged by the gaze of a man”, said Marlene Dietrich, the famous actress, singer and glamorous style icon from the last millennium.

If only it were so simple! Because dresses, skirts and other summery apparel brings them to light: those smaller or larger cosmetic “features” that can have an adverse effect on the unblemished beauty of legs.

Cellulite is a familiar women’s problem. The unattractive bumps and undulations usually occur on the butt and thighs and are a particular annoyance for the ladies.

Spider veins, if they shimmer through the skin noticeably, can certainly also be disturbing. They put a damper on the look and make the skin look impure.

Our potent treatment options against cellulite and spider veins offer effective help here.


bumps, undulations and holes make legs and butt into problem zones

Cellulite has many faces and guises: Some are described as “dimples” or “holes, others as the small fatty protrusions or “bulges” and then there is loose skin, especially on the inside of the thighs, on the butt or above the knees. For most women all these changes come together.

Women? Yes, cellulite really is purely a womens’ problem. Due to the nature of the connective tissue, the fat cells and the skin, for almost every women over 20 – if she has the genetic disposition for it – an unsightly golf ball pattern forms on the thighs and butt. Both slim and also plump women alike can be affected by orange peel skin.

Treating cellulite

There is no universal treatment with which to tackle all the various origins of the phenomena, but instead different methods have to be combined. We are one of the few practices that can offer and combine various concepts to get an effective grip on cellulite.

Because: Every women is different – and so is her cellulite. So for each patient an individual treatment plan has to be prepared which is optimized only for her.

Our weapons in the “eternal struggle”: Woman against cellulite

With ATTIVA®, we can firm up and lift the skin all over the thighs, knees and on the butt. The so-called banana roll (roll of fat below the cleft of the butt) is treated in just the same way as the irritating small cushion on the inside of the thighs and in the crotch. It is also possible to slightly lift the butt – for a more attractive silhouette.To achieve this, we pass a small probe into the deep skin tissue from where radio frequency energy is applied specifically and point by point. At the same time, the surface of the skin is cooled. In this way, new collagen is created and the skin and connective tissue is sustainably firmed and smoothed.

Find out more about ATTIVA here.

Another option is presented by the BTL Exilis Elite™ treatment procedure. Based on radio/ultrasonic technology, it kills off the fat cells through targeted heating. The skin and connective tissue are stimulated to form new collagen at the same time. The skin becomes firm, cellulite undulations invisible or vanish.
BTL Exilis Elite is also suitable for treating larger fat deposits. For further circumferential reduction, we also like to combine this with so-called injection lipolysis.

Find out more about BTL Exilis Elite here.

In order to alleviate cellulite in its various forms or even make it invisible, we often use several therapies in combination.

We will be happy to clarify the extent to which this is possible or necessary for you in a personal consultation. We will look at your initial condition and work out the most suitable cellulite treatment for you together.

Spider veins

small veins that shimmer through the skin

Spider veins are small and minimally dilated superficial veins that are found in the uppermost skin layer. They have a bluish-reddish shimmer, are shaped like broom, and the intensity of the discoloration is dependent on the skin blood circulation.

Spider veins are a cosmetic problem in themselves, but they can also indicate that actual varicose veins are present.

Remove spider veins

There are fundamentally two different therapeutic options for removing spider veins: the first is to use sclerotherapy, in which your doctor injects a medicine into the affected small vessels, which makes them become sticky and disappear. In most cases, several treatments are required.

Spider veins can also be treated with laser (particular a d-YAG Laser); the laser beam closes the small vessels.

Here also, several treatments are usually necessary. Often both methods are combined in different sessions.

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