In our blog post “Connective Tissue: So Important It Is“, we informed you about how connective tissue is built, what functions it has and what influences weaken it. Now we explain the methods you can use to strengthen your connective tissue and how we can help you.
The desire: firm connective tissue
Having firm connective tissue makes most women and men proud. If the connective tissue is strong, appearances of natural skin aging do not become apparent as quickly. For example, it takes longer for thighs, upper arms or the cheek area on the face to begin to sag – or the appearance is simply not as pronounced. But unfortunately, not every woman or man is lucky enough to have such good connective tissue.
Strengthen connective tissue: general tips
Drink enough
It should be at least two liters of pure water or unsweetened herbal teas. By drinking plenty of water, you will help the connective tissue to be able to perform its metabolic function undisturbed and remain elastic.
Balanced diet
The next building block to strengthen connective tissue is nutrition. If your diet contains enough valuable nutrients, the connective tissue will also receive everything it needs to remain strong and elastic for a long time. Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and vegetable oils are very good. Vitamin C helps to build up the collagen fibers in the connective tissue. It is contained, for example, in black currants, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, peppers, spinach, Brussels sprouts or kale. In order to be able to properly process other protein building blocks, the connective tissue needs vitamin B2 or niacin. This is contained, for example, in all whole grain products, potatoes, mung beans, peanuts or coffee. Lysine is also important for building connective tissue. This amino acid is found in buckwheat, walnuts, peas and tofu, among other things. Potassium, as contained in pineapple, for example, stimulates the metabolism. The enzymes papain and bromelain activate the formation of new, healthy collagen fibers.
By the way, lysine and vitamin C already play a crucial role at the beginning of collagen synthesis. However, your body also needs these nutrients for other processes, such as for the immune system. If your body is undersupplied with lysine and vitamin C, it uses the little collagen still produced to supply vital organs such as the heart or elastic blood vessels. The nutrients are then not available to the skin, which can become recognizable as skin aging.
Meat and animal fats contain omega-6 arachidonic acid, which can attack the skin. White flour, sugar and dairy products should not be consumed too frequently – they are also suspected of weakening the connective tissue.
An excellent way to tone the body and strengthen connective tissue is to exercise. Too little exercise can cause more fat to accumulate in the body, which also makes it harder for blood and lymph to drain. When you strengthen your muscles through exercise and continue to build muscle, your body decides to make more collagen for muscles, tendons and ligaments. By providing your body with more building material for the flexible fibers and strengthening the elastic supporting skeleton, you counteract one of the main causes of connective tissue weakness.
Alternating showers
With regular alternating showers, you can boost your metabolism, promote circulation and strengthen connective tissue. To do this, first take a warm shower and then switch to cold water for a few seconds. Repeat this process and alternate the temperature levels several times in succession.
Pulse massages
By plucking your skin, e.g. on the thighs and buttocks, centimeter by centimeter with your thumb and index finger, this promotes lymph flow and removes stored fluid. You can achieve a similar effect with a massage brush.
Strengthen connective tissue: collagen stimulation with aesthetic dermatology methods
The fact that connective tissue becomes weaker is mainly due to the fact that the production of collagen decreases and the structural protein is only used by the body in the most important places.(e.g. heart and vessels). As a result, the tissue can slowly but steadily slacken with age. The elastic fibers lose their elasticity.
The tip par excellence to strengthen the connective tissue: Keep it in its “youthful” state for as long as possible (in keeping with Dr. Pavicic’s motto: “Preserve instead of repair!”). With the above tips, the connective tissue can only be tightened to a limited extent – often the measures are no longer sufficient and do not bring the desired result. Then “help from outside” can be useful.
In our private practice for dermatology and aesthetics in Munich, we offer various methods with which we can boost collagen production again and thus achieve a tightening of your connective tissue. In this context, we also speak of collagen stimulation. These include:
Collagen stimulation by radiofrequency therapy attiva
For this treatment, we insert a fine probe into your subcutaneous tissue and apply radiofrequency energy. At the same time, we treat your skin with lowered temperature. The energy penetrates your tissue to the deep layers. As a result, the lower layers of the skin contract. The mobile connective tissue cells are activated. This leads to a new formation of collagen.
For more information click here: Attiva Munich
Strengthen connective tissue with radio/ultrasound treatment btl exilis elite™.
This therapy also relies on heat. We use the special handpiece and circle it over the skin area to be treated. While this heats the surface to 40 to 43 degrees, the temperature in your deep tissue rises to about 45 degrees. This temperature activates the connective tissue cells, which then produce new collagen. This makes your connective tissue and thus your skin firmer again.
More on the subject: BTL Exilis Elite™ Munich
Tighten connective tissue with laser treatment
As part of the fractional laser procedure, we deposit countless microscopic heat columns in your skin, causing tiny harmless injuries to the skin. In between, untreated areas of skin remain. These drive rapid healing, which is accompanied by new collagen and fresh tissue formation.
There are also ablative laser procedures, which are also associated with the activation of collagen formation. Here, the superficial layers of the skin are ablated. The minimal wound that is created stimulates the production of collagen and elastic fibers.
We can also achieve collagen stimulation with non-ablative laser treatment. It is performed without ablation of the top layer of the skin. The laser beams penetrate the top layer of the skin and reach the dermis. It consists mainly of connective tissue fibers. Pinprick-like micro-injuries cause new cells and more collagen to form here.
Read more: Laser Treatment Munich
Stimulate collagen production with ultrasound lifting ultherapy
Ultherapy ultrasound treatment is suitable for the face, neck and décolleté. It works via micro-focused ultrasound energy that passes through your skin tissue. It goes deep into the skin and works on the layer of tissue that is usually tightened during a surgical facelift. The skin responds by producing new firming collagen and fresh elastin.
Read more: Ultherapy Munich
Collagen stimulation with dermalfiller radiesse®
Similar to hyaluronic acid fillers, Radiesse® allows lost volume in the face to be rebuilt and replaced in a long-lasting manner. But the dermal filler goes one step further: it activates the collagen-forming cells and increases the body’s own production of collagen and elastin. Your skin structure can thus be improved not only superficially, but from the inside out.
For more information: Radiesse® Munich
Dr. Tatjana Pavicic
Dr. Tatjana Pavicic is a specialist in dermatology and venereology with her own practice in Munich. She is an internationally recognized expert in aesthetic dermatology with a special focus on dermocosmetics, botulinum toxin, fillers and lasers.
Strengthen connective tissue and treat cellulite
If the connective tissue is weak, dimples and ripples on the buttocks and thighs can also become noticeable. Certainly few women want to see orange peel skin on themselves. We can also treat cellulite well in our practice in Munich by strengthening or treating your connective tissue. BTL Exilis Elite™ and Attiva – two treatment methods we have just presented to you – can also be used optimally (even as a combination therapy) against cellulite.
In addition, we offer a minimally invasive treatment method that primarily combats cellulite holes: Cellfina. Here we cut individual thickened strands of connective tissue with the help of the Cellfina system in a minimally invasive treatment. In this way, the tension of the skin’s surface eases and the skin can return to its original level. The appearance of cellulite is sustainably improved.
You can find out more about this treatment here: Cellfina Munich
Strengthen connective tissue in munich
You see: The topic of strengthening connective tissue is extremely complex and multifaceted. If you would like some outside help in the fight against connective tissue weakness, please feel free to make an appointment with us. In a detailed consultation, we will explain to you which treatments are best suited for your individual problem.
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