Many women know them: Finely branched reddish-blue shimmering spider veins, e.g. on the thighs or in the back of the knees. They can also occur on the face and abdomen. In most cases they are completely harmless and therefore do not require medical treatment. However, they can be an aesthetic problem, because for many women they do not fit the idea of perfect legs. There are various tips and tricks against the dilated veins as well as long-term treatment by sclerotherapy or laser.
What are spider veins?
Spider veins usually appear when the veins are working at a reduced level. They can be a sign of an incipient weakness of the veins. Due to the overstretching of the vascular walls, the veins can gradually lose their elasticity, the blood backs up and small bulges appear: the hair-thin, dark or reddish spider veins spread out in a net or fan shape under the surface of the skin. Tired or heavy legs or an imprint of the sock cuffs in the evening are usually associated with this.
A large part of these vein changes form due to hereditary predisposition or sex hormones. Lack of exercise, age, weight and smoking can also play a role in the development. Even though spider veins are usually harmless, you should have the exact extent of the vein weakness clarified by a specialist (phlebologist). An ultrasound examination will show whether the veins under the spider veins have a normally functioning valve closure. These closures prevent blood from flowing back to the feet. If the valves work in a restricted manner, sooner or later real varicose veins can develop at this location. The spider veins are then considered a harbinger.
If the vein specialist’s examination does not reveal any findings, the vein weakness does not need to be treated.
Dr. Tatjana Pavicic
Dr. Tatjana Pavicic is a specialist in dermatology and venereology with her own practice in Munich. She is an internationally recognized expert in aesthetic dermatology with a special focus on dermocosmetics, botulinum toxin, fillers and lasers.
Tips against spider veins
Important, if you want to act against your spider veins and relieve them: Try to prevent the blood stasis that dilates the veins! You can do this with the following tricks:
- Get enough exercise! Sports such as swimming, jogging, stepping exercises, jumping or cycling help. Activities in sitting or standing increase the vein pressure. Therefore, you should always get up and/or walk a few steps to get the blood circulation going. Regular foot exercises can also help: Pull the tops of your feet in and stretch them out again. Then place your feet on the tips of your toes and lower again.
- Be careful not to cross your legs too often when sitting. This may look elegant, but it is anything but good for the small blood vessels in your legs.
- Keep your legs elevated as often as possible, because this relieves the veins. During the night, you can also raise the position of your legs, for example, with a pillow.
- Wearing compression stockings is also useful, as they narrow the diameter of the leg veins and accelerate the return flow of blood to the heart. As a result, the venous valve system works again and further spider veins are prevented.
- Showering the legs with cold water also increases circulation and is good for the veins.
- Regular massages get the blood circulation going. This can prevent spider veins.
Treatment with sclerotherapy or laser
All the tips just mentioned usually only slow down the progression of spider veins and unfortunately cannot reverse existing ones.
To get rid of the veins reliably and permanently, only a doctor can help. Mirko-sclerotherapy has proven to be extremely successful in this regard. A specially developed drug is injected directly into the spider veins with a very fine needle. Inside the vein, the drug reacts with the inner wall. This leads to endogenous processes that cause the vein walls to stick together. The veins close and, over time, transform into a connective tissue-like strand. This is broken down by the body and the vein is permanently gone.
If the spider veins are small or not very pronounced, the affected areas can also be treated with a special laser.
Both therapy options can also be combined.
If you are also bothered by your spider veins and feel visually impaired by them, Dr. Tatjana Pavicic is your contact in Munich as an experienced specialist in dermatology and venereology.
Just get in touch with us, we will be happy to show you the possibilities for more beautiful legs.
Foto: © evgenij918 / ID: 107358799 /