Aesthetic medicine: from woman to woman

Cellfina® | Cellfina Therapie

Health is our most valuable asset. Anyone who has problems here goes to the doctor. This also applies to cosmetic-aesthetic concerns. At the doctor’s, one can openly express one’s wishes, receive advice, encouragement, a diagnostic clarification and therapeutic recommendations. And it is precisely here that the relationship between doctor and patient is so valuable – even the atmosphere of the conversation is very important for building trust and a good feeling. Openness is one of the most important prerequisites for aesthetic treatments to lead to the desired goal.

Particularly women who do not or no longer feel comfortable in their bodies and are bothered by certain areas want understanding advice. Especially when it comes to sensitive issues such as the disturbing cellulite, it is therefore not surprising that many women feel better understood by a woman and consciously seek the way to a female doctor. But this is often not so easy due to the low percentage of women in the medical profession. Dr. Tatjana Pavicic is an exception here with her private practice for dermatology and aesthetics in Munich – not only because she is a woman, of course, but also because she is an internationally recognized expert with a special focus on dermocosmetics, botulinum toxin, fillers and lasers.

Understanding “women’s problems

A man’s body is also very different from a woman’s in terms of skin, because the hormone testosterone ensures a completely different structure. As a result, men have firmer connective tissue and stronger muscles close to the skin. The amount of collagen in their skin is also higher – as is the sebum production of the skin. Men’s sweat glands are also more pronounced. In addition, men’s skin ages differently than women’s: Their wrinkles appear later, but when they do, they are usually much more pronounced.

In order to be able to treat a woman’s skin in a targeted and promising manner, the doctor must therefore be well acquainted with the “feminine matter”. True to the motto “from woman to woman”, Dr. Tatjana Pavicic is not only an expert in the dermatological field, but also in the interpersonal field. The doctor understands the wishes, concerns, thoughts and worries of her female patients and is able to put herself in their shoes.

Dr. Tatjana Pavicic

Dr. Tatjana Pavicic is a specialist in dermatology and venereology with her own practice in Munich. She is an internationally recognized expert in aesthetic dermatology with a special focus on dermocosmetics, botulinum toxin, fillers and lasers.

In cooperation with the female patients

Dr. Tatjana Pavicic is not only concerned with diagnoses, but also with understanding how the patients’ physical problem affects their daily lives and circumstances. Do they withdraw from their fellow men and active life out of shame? Are they psychologically unwell because they are bothered by their bodies? Are they afraid to show themselves to their partner?

Dr. Tatjana Pavicic asks her patients many questions, she interprets, considers, recommends, consoles and weighs together with them which therapy is most suitable. In other words, she involves her patients directly in the treatment.

Unique in munich:
Cellfina therapy from woman to woman

Dr. Tatjana Pavicic also has special expertise in the field of cellulite treatment: Merz Pharma has developed Cellfina, an innovative system for the treatment of cellulite, in the USA. The minimally invasive treatment method is the only clinically tested method approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that has been certified as successful in treating cellulite for several years.

Dr. Pavicic offers this treatment exclusively as one of the first practices in Germany. And not only that – currently Dr. Tatjana Pavicic is also the only doctor in Munich who offers Cellfina. Apart from her, women can so far only be treated by male colleagues using this method.


Creating harmony – in the relationship with her patients and for the patients themselves. This is the best way to sum up Dr. Tatjana Pavicic’s mission. Her private practice for dermatology and aesthetics in Munich is located at Maximilianstraße 36 – barely 200 metres from the “Galerie der Künstler” and the “Museum Fünf Kontinente“.

In her practice, the specialist for dermatology and venereology offers various aesthetic treatments for the eyes, forehead/slits, cheek, nose, lips, hands, legs, armpits, décolleté as well as for the neck.

If you too are unhappy with your appearance and are looking for an experienced, sensitive doctor, please contact Dr. Tatjana Pavicic.

Foto: © 465435893 / g-stockstudio –

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